Aimée Yawnick
Title: Author, Spiritual Life Coach
Location: Needham, MA
Program: OracleTV
Topic: How to Stop Living in Fear of Being Found Out
Aired: June 15, 2011
Program: OracleRadio
Show: No Excuse Zone
Topic: Your Inner Guide to Good Fortune
Aired: June 18, 2011
Barbara Hofmeister
Title: Author, Host, Transformational Coach
Location: Erfurt, Germany
Program: OracleRadio
Show: No Excuse Zone
Topic: Conscious Choice is Yours
Aired: July 2, 2011
Barbara Reynolds
Title: Author, Host, Psychic Healer, Transformational Coach
Location: Oklahoma City, OK
Program: OracleRadio
Show: No Excuse Zone
Topic: Steps to Love
Aired: April 2, 2011
Program: OracleTV
Show: Personal Life Coaches: Helping the World One Person at a Time
Topic: Finding the Psychic Within
Aired: February 21, 2011
Catrice Jackson
Title: Author, Host, Speaker, Personal Life Coach
Location: Omaha, NE
Program: OracleRadio
Show: No Excuse Zone
Topic: Awaken Your Genius
Aired: May 14, 2011
Program: OracleTV
Show: Personal Life Coaches: Helping the World One Person at a Time
Topic: The Art of Fear-Free Living
Aired: April 27, 2011
Cynthia Vickers (Cynastry)
Title: Host, Spiritual Healer, Personal Life Coach
Location: Alberta, Canada
Program: OracleTV
Show: Personal Life Coaches: Helping the World One Person at a Time
Topic: Horse Sense
Aired: July 18, 2011
Dwayne Bess
Title: Author, Host, Speaker, Personal Life Coach
Location: St. Louis, MO
Program: OracleRadio
Show: No Excuse Zone
Topic: How to Be a Better Person
Aired: May 7, 2011
Program: OracleTV
Show: Personal Life Coaches: Helping the World One Person at a Time
Topic: How to Maximize Self Gain by Helping Others
Aired: April 18, 2011
Glory Vernon
Title: Wicce, Witch, Priestess, Personal Life Coach
Location: Long Beach, CA
Program: OracleTV
Show: Personal Life Coaches: Helping the World One Person at a Time
Topic: Finding Our Lost Brethren, Part 2
Aired: April 11, 2011
Janet Conner
Title: Author, Healer, Personal Life Coach
Location: Ozona, FL
Program: OracleTV
Show: Personal Life Coaches: Helping the World One Person at a Time
Topic: How Does Your Soul Express Itself?
Aired: July 20, 2011
Jay Pee
Title: Host, Spiritual Healer, Personal Life Coach
Location: Inverness, Scotland
Program: OracleRadio
Show: No Excuse Zone
Topic: Ancient Teachnings of the Seven Rays
Aired: August 13, 2011
Jerome Braggs
Title: Master Oracle, Spiritual Life Coach, Healer
Location: St. Louis, MO
Program: OracleTV
Show: Personal Life Coaches: Helping the World One Person at a Time
Topic: Healing the Incurable
Aired: September 5, 2011
Show: Personal Life Coaches: Helping the World One Person at a Time
Topic: Unleash Your Success
Scheduled: September 28, 2011
Program: OracleRadio
Show: No Excuse Zone
Topic: Healing the Incurable: An Inside Job
Aired: September 24, 2011
Katharina Harer
Title: Author, Personal Life Coach
Location: Los Angeles, California
Program: OracleRadio
Show: No Excuse Zone
Topic: Galactica: A New Adventure
Aired: August 27, 2011
Program: OracleTV
Topic: Living the Cosmic Adventure
Aired: August 31, 2011
Lamonte Faison
Title: Personal Development Coach, Mentor, Speaker
Location: Los Angeles, CA
Program: OracleTV
Show: Personal Life Coaches: Helping the World One Person at a Time
Topic: Unveiling the Mask of the Pretender
Aired: February 7, 2011
Leah Young
Title: Author, Soul Inspired Business Entrepreneur, Personal Life Coach
Location: Las Vega, Nevada
Program: OracleTV
Show: Personal Life Coaches: Helping the World One Person at a Time
Topic: How to Create Loving Relationships
Aired: September 12, 2011
Lore Raymond
Title: Author, Spiritual Traveler
Location: Tampa Bay, Florida
Program: OracleRadio
Show: No Excuse Zone
Topic: The Heart of the New Visionary: The Four Chamber Pathway
Aired: March 19, 2011
Topic: Using Travel as Your Spiritual Practice to Increase Peace, Purpose, and Prosperity
Aired: April 30, 2011
Miss Magikal
Title: Wayshower, Musician
Location: London, England
Program: OracleRadio
Show: No Excuse Zone
Topic: A Million Blessings
Aired: June 25, 2011
Show: Personal Life Coaches: Helping the World One Person at a Time
Topic: Conscious Music
Aired: May 9, 2011
Nish Gunawardena
Title: Author, Photographer
Location: Washington D.C.
Program: OracleRadio
Show: No Excuse Zone
Topic: Something Happened on the Way to Heaven
Aired: October 8, 2011
Program: OracleTV
Show: Personal Life Coaches: Helping the World One Person at a Time
Topic: Something Happened on the Way to Heaven
Aired: October 10, 2011
Quenton Stroud (Reverend Q)
Title: Master Oracle, Spiritual Life Coach, Healer
Location: Washington, D.C.
Program: OracleTV
Show: Personal Life Coaches: Helping the World One Person at a Time
Topic: Insight into You
Aired: June 29, 2011
Show: Personal Life Coaches: Helping the World One Person at a Time
Topic: The Oracle Speaks
Aired: July 6, 2011
Show: Personal Life Coaches: Helping the World One Person at a Time
Topic: Coach Me Q
Aired: July 13, 2011
Program: OracleRadio
Show: No Excuse Zone
Topic: The Oracle Speaks
Aired: October 15, 2011
Robbie MacKenzie
Title: Author, Healer, Personal Life Coach
Location: Fife, Scotland
Program: OracleRadio
Show: No Excuse Zone
Topic: A Clarion Call to Your Human Expansion
Aired: October 22, 2011
Program: OracleTV
Show: Personal Life Coaches: Helping the World One Person at a Time
Topic: Channeling the Voice of an Angel
Aired: October 24, 2011
Shenice Jones
Title: Psychic Coach, Host
Location: Virgina Beach, VA
Program: OracleRadio
Show: No Excuse Zone
Topic: The New Age of Intuition
Aired: February 19, 2011
Topic: Using Intuition as Your Flashlight
Aired: April 16, 2011
Sheryl Lynn
Title: Author, Artist, Educator, Healer, Host
Location: Freehold, NJ
Program: OracleRadio
Show: No Excuse Zone
Topic: Energy Etiquette
Aired: February 5, 2011
Program: OracleTV
Show: Personal Life Coaches: Helping the World One Person at a Time
Topic: The Soul Purpose of Animals
Aired: January 24, 2011
Thomas Hughes
Title: Host, Lightworker
Location: Navasota, Texas
Program: OracleTV
Show: Personal Life Coaches: Helping the World One Person at a Time
Topic: Sasquatch Encounters
Aired: July 25, 2011