Welcome! This Personal Behavioral Assessment contains five situational scenarios to gauge your perspective on how you would handle diverse issues and situations in the workplace.

You will have 30-minutes to read each question, select your answer(s), and enter a detailed response to explain why you selected the specific answer choices in the question.

Personal Behavioral Assessment Scenarios (Set 1)

Question #1

1. Oracles of Truth Academy requires every staff member to document their work-study hours daily. You documented your work-study time for the month, but you noticed that you failed to document for the first week of the month. It is now the end of the month and all Billing Documentation is due by close of business on the 1st. You only have Daily Work Activity Logs for three weeks minus the first week. What should you do? Select all answers that apply.

Question #2

You are a System Navigator working with a new client. You completed the client’s Whole Person Care (WPC) Plan and WPC Participation Agreement. You print out both documents on a printer in the community training center (common shared area) at 8:00 am. “The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA) is a federal law that protects sensitive patient health information from being disclosed without the patient’s consent or knowledge. The Privacy Rule standards address the use and disclosure of individuals’ health information (known as “protected health information or PHI”) by entities subject to the Privacy Rule.” You look at the clock and notice it is 8:30 am and realize you forgot to take the documents off the printer. What do you do? Select all that apply.

Question #3

You attend an all-team meeting on MS Teams when you are approach by a direct report who is an Admissions Coordinator. She tells you that her billing documentation is wrong because the Business Operations Specialist gave her the information that she needs to include in her documents. You are unable to provide an immediate response because it needs to be validated with the Business Operations Specialist. You leave the meeting to confront the Business Operations Specialist who is also in the meeting and an outburst ensues. What should you have done to prevent the outburst from occurring? Select all that apply.

Question #4

You inform your Executive Manager that one of the new Contingent Worker Trainees (CWTs) did not receive his access credentials from the IT Department. You provide your Executive Manager with the CWT’s email address so that she can send a copy of his address credentials from her email because the IT Department send the Executive Manager a copy of all staff members access credentials prior to their first date of hire. A few minutes pass and the CWT approaches you to let you know that he still has not received his access credentials. You notice that you gave the Executive Manager the wrong email address before she sent a copy of the CWT’s access credentials from her email box. You go to the Executive Manager’s Desk and notice that her email client is open on her laptop computer, but she had left the office to help another staff member. What should you do? Select all that apply.

Question #5

You are a System Navigator working with one of your clients, and you have a question that you would like to ask another staff member, who is a Career Specialist. You ask, “If he is able to assist you with identifying the client’s physical or mailing address to send a letter to Social Security Administration?’’ The staff member responds to you with an attitude saying, “I don’t know. I’m busy right now!” What would you do in this situation? Select an answer.


Take time to read these instructions thoroughly. When you are ready, simply close this screen and answer the questions. Then submit your answers.

  • Questions ending with the sentence Select the best answer means there is only one right answer. Pick only one answer.
  • Questions ending with the sentence Select all that apply means there is more than one answer. You will have to select all the correct answers for the question to be marked correct. If you do not select all correct answers the question will be marked partially correct. If you do select one or more incorrect answers the question will be marked wrong. You must be exact in selecting all the answers for this question type to get the question 100% right.
  • Every question has a follow-up text entry box that states, "Why did you select the answer(s) made above?" It is important for you to share the reason behind your answer choice selections. Do not enter in simple one, two, or three-letter phrases, no SMS short codes or acronyms. Make your response at least 2-3 sentences or a short paragraph. In other words, give details of your thought process and why you choose the answer choices you made.