We asked you to attend a Financial Services Opportunity Webinar. Thanks for attending! We need to know your perspective on the opportunity as it relates to the target population and whether the opportunity is a worthy service to integrate into programs and service offerings, we provide to current and new members.
Take a few minutes to give us your feedback. We have listed the Service Profiles and Wrap Around Services we provide our target population to give them a chance to soar and become more affluent in life.
Target Population Demographics
Service Profiles
- Dropout, High School Student
- Couple, Married w/kids (Family), Single, Single Parent, Divorced, Widowed
- Low income
- Nomadic (Homeless)
- Probation
- Youth, Senior, Retired
Wrap Around Services
- Abuse (e.g., mental, physical, substance), Aftercare
- Amenities, Apparel, Childcare
- Education/Training, Employment
- Housing, Transitional Living
- Legal Services, Legal barriers removed
- Medical, Mental Health, Financial
- Transportation, Parking