Oracles of Truth Academy’s (OTA) managed and unmanaged service plans come with a 14-day money back guarantee. A customer shall be eligible for a full refund if he/she meets the circumstances for an eligible refund and none of the ineligibility circumstances are found to be true. A refund cannot be issued, in some circumstances. If this occurs, then an exchange may be offered to the customer/client.

OTA takes refund requests seriously because every service plan option includes licensed intellectual property (IP) assets (e.g., systems, tools, templates, products, programs, merchandise, services, etc.) that are available once a customer signs up for one or more service plan options.

14-day money back image

We work to protect all IP assets by mitigating the risk of theft and/or use of the IP assets after a refund has been issued. A refund will be granted if it is 1) within the 14-day period to request a refund, 2) after it is verified and approved that the customer/client has not accessed and/or downloaded any IP assets, 3) and our IT Support Team has not begun the installation work order(s) prior to issuing a refund.

Other alternative options (e.g., partial refund, waiver, etc.) may be made available on a case-by-case basis. However, this does not affirm any guarantee that an alternative remedy shall be allowed. OTA holds the right to use this discretionary option. We recommend that every customer/client review this entire Refund and Exchange Policy and amicably attempt to resolve any technical issue or concern before submitting a Refund Request. To report a technical issue or concern you may contact the OLC Support Desk or connect via Live Chat from our website.

Cancelling a Purchased Service Plan

Under no circumstance will a refund or exchange be issued for a service plan that is cancelled, regardless of how much time is left on the service plan before the scheduled renewal. Access to the service will be revoked immediately once a service plan is cancelled. Any remaining balance must be paid in full or payments must be made according to the recurring payment schedule until the remaining time left has been expended.

Exchanging a Purchased Service Plan

Only regular priced service plans may be refunded. Discounted service plans cannot be refunded. We only replace a service plan with another service plan of equal or lesser value. If there is a need to exchange a service plan for another one of the same or lesser value, submit an Exchange Request.

Refunding a Purchased Service Plan

There are two methods we use to determine a refund of a customer’s/client’s purchase of a service plan. These are grouped into the following two categories Circumstances for Eligible Refund and Circumstances for Ineligible Refund.

Please note, if the customer/client wants a refund, a refund request must be received within 14 days of the original purchase date. A request sent after 14 days of the original transaction date will not be considered.

If a refund request is received by us within 14 days, the refund request will be granted if it meets the accepted circumstances listed below and none of the circumstances for ineligibility are true.

  • Customer/client made multiple purchases of the same managed or unmanaged service plan option that was not intended. This must be verified before a refund is issued. Only the unwanted purchases shall be refunded and only if IT Support installation work order(s) have not started/commenced. Upon verification and approval, a refund will be granted upon the customer’s request.
  • Customer/client purchased the wrong managed or unmanaged service plan and contacted the Sales Team or Customer Service to inform that the wrong service plan was purchased within 14-days from the original purchase transaction date. This must be verified before a refund is issued and IT Support installation work order(s) have not started/commenced. Upon verification and approval, a refund will be granted upon the customer’s request.

Customer refund requests are generally granted as previously stated under the Circumstance for Eligible Refund above unless any of the following Circumstance for Ineligible Refund are true. A refund is only issued if both conditions are met and approved.

  • The refund request for order exceeds 14 days after the purchase date.
  • The customer/client has an unmanaged service plan and already logged in and accessed any system/platform, services, and IP assets immediately available in his/her customer/client account.
  • The customer/client has a managed account and installation and setup of their website and IP assets have already started or completed.
  • An end user has already logged in and accessed any system/platform, services, and IP assets immediately available in his/her customer/client account, website.
  • The customer/client is unable to access and use the managed or unmanaged service plan due to end user error.
  • The customer/client is unable to access and use the managed or unmanaged service plan because of user experience or skills.
  • The customer/client is unable to access and use the managed or unmanaged service plan due to an old or outdated operating system, browsers, or hardware environment.
  • The customer/client is unable to access, operate, or use the managed or unmanaged service plan in the user’s computing environment.
  • The customer/client did not check and fully experience the managed or unmanaged service plan options because of which he/she purchased the service.
  • The customer/client changed his/her mind to access and use the managed or unmanaged service plan after purchasing it because of his/her personal preferences.
  • The customer/client refuses to cooperate with technical solutions provided by OTA or its affiliated collaborative partners to resolve any technical issue. If technical issues arise, customers are advised to cooperate with the Support Team to provide detailed information, specific explanation of the issue, screenshots, files, etc.
  • The refund request was due to a complaint of credit card fraud or other unauthorized payment without proof and verification with their financial institution. *
  • The refund request claims that the license code was not received within several hours. **
  • The customer/client received reminder emails about upcoming payments or license renewal and did not cancel the subscription in time. ***


* OTA and its payment processing partner carefully monitor payment authorization. OTA and its partner provide secure SSL encryption with a digital certificate and follow strict transaction protocol, in which suspicious transactions are denied. You should contact your card issuer if there are concerns about fraudulent activity.

**Generally, once an order has been placed successfully on our website, the e-commerce partner will automatically send an email provided by you confirming the order was placed. However, OTA IT Support Team require at least 72 hours to process the work order. A follow-up email with details about your new work order(s) and access credentials to your account will be sent. This work order email could be delayed because of Internet issues, email spam settings, or an email address typo. In this case, please contact the OLC Support Desk. Our Support Team will reply within 24-48 hours. If this occurs, your worker order email may be delayed due to the issues. Please allow an additional 24-48 hours to receive your work order notification after we have received communication from you notifying us of the issue. If you purchase a product using PayPal, the confirmation and license key are sent to your PayPal email.

***If you have received reminder emails about upcoming payments and did not cancel your subscription in time, this does not qualify for a refund. We provide all necessary notifications to allow you to make timely decisions regarding your subscription renewal or cancellation.

Once a refund, exchange, or cancellation is approved and verified, the licensed plan(s) will be voided. OTA reserves the right to disable access to customer/client accounts on any of the platforms/systems, profiles, customer/client websites managed on our server if a refund is issued for any managed and unmanaged service plan.

Please note that we can only accept refund and exchange claims for purchases made via our online store at Purchases made from any partner website and other outlets are subject to the respective retailer’s refund policies. Use the Refund and Exchange Request form to submit a request to our Sales Team.