If you are an existing college student, enrolled at a community college or university, and wish to receive credit for courses you take with us to offset the cost of tuition at your current school use this helpful checklist to ensure you provide the necessary information for a complete application.
- A completed and signed Application for Admissions [PDF] or online via our Open Enrollment Application
- $45 application fee make check or money order payable to OT Academy
The fee is required.
- Official transcripts of all college work
Submit the most recent and up-to-date version of your collegiate transcript.
- Guidance Counselor, Teacher, or Professional recommendation
Completed by a Guidance Counselor, Teacher or Professional in an academic subject who knows you well. You may submit additional recommendations from any guidance, teacher, or professional that knows you personally or professionally.
- Personal Statement
A personal statement allows you to tell us who you are, why you have selected OT Academy, and how you intend to make a difference for yourself and others.
- TOEFL Scores
Applicants for whom English is not their first language must submit scores from the Test of English as a Foreign Language.