Unmanaged: BP Accelerator (standalone/add-on) – Monthly

$290.00 / month

This Unmanaged Services plan is a standalone or addon license for social entrepreneurs focused on developing a conceptual, startup, or expand an existing business to leverage the power of Business Philanthropy develop, grow, thrive, and generate sustainable revenue, and complete BP Olympics training. There are 10 assets included in this license.


This Unmanaged Services plan is a standalone or add-on license for social entrepreneurs focused on developing a conceptual, startup, or expand an existing business to leverage the power of Business Philanthropy develop, grow, thrive, and generate sustainable revenue, and complete BP Olympics training. The following 10 assets are included with this license:

  • BP Community Platform (system and infrastructure)
  • OLC Support Desk (system and infrastructure)
  • Financial management (tools, templates, services)
  • Intake and admissions (tools, templates, services)
  • Outreach and marketing (tools, templates, services)
  • BP Olympics training (courseware, templates, services)
  • Certified Business Philanthropist (courseware, tools, templates, services)
  • Discounted ABOD services (receive discounted services)
  • Merchandising (wholesale product pricing)
  • Membership plans (resell programs and services)